My Acronym poem!

Friends for life                                                   Team work                                     
Understanding things through life                    All learning together
Thomas Tallis School                                          Laughter
Using technology                                                 Life
Relying on teachers                                            Investigating                                             
Enjoying                                                              Smiling community

Best memory:

When i was in year 8, i went on a school trip to wales;Tyny berth for an activity week and it was really fun. It involved activities such as rock climbing, absailing, hiking and more. During the week I was able to gain lots of new skills but also the ability to make new friends and to join in with group activities with new people that I hadn't spoken to before. Although it rained everyday, it was still a really good 'holiday' and I've gained many good memories that I will take with me.

Futureistic,   Understanding Trusting,   Useful,   Reliable,   Energetic